
Terms of use of the web interface

Jakub Herrmann | Senior PPC specialist, agency founder

Jakub Herrmann

4 min čtení

You are on the web interface (the "Web Interface") operated by our company:

  • s.r.o., with registered office at 17. listopadu 3209, Martinov, 723 00 Ostrava
  • ID:6160956
  • Telephone number: +420 607 192 618
  • Contact e-mail:

Please note that regardless of whether you make purchases or register via the web interface, you must follow the following rules, which define and specify the terms of use of all functional components of the web interface.

Personal data protection

When you complete an order on the web interface, you provide us with some of your personal data. Furthermore, when using the web interface, other data to which we have access is collected, stored and processed.

The protection of personal data is very important to us. Therefore, when dealing with personal data, we act in accordance with the legal regulations of the Czech Republic, in particular Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the Protection of Personal Data, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "PDPA").

Further information can be found here -


What are cookies and how do you consent to their use?

The web interface uses so-called "cookies" for its operation. Cookies are text files that are stored on the computer or other electronic device of each visitor to the web interface, which enable the analysis of the use of the web interface.

By checking the consent box on the web interface, you consent to the use of cookies and to the processing of data about you by the operator in the manner and for the purposes described in more detail on the web interface.

Is there anything you can do to prevent cookies from being stored on your computer?

You can refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in your internet browser.

Please note that if you refuse the use of cookies, you may not be able to use the full functionality of the web interface.

Use of Google services

The web interface also uses Google Analytics and, where applicable, other services provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). The use of cookies is also part of the use of these services. The check mark of consent pursuant to section 2.1 of these terms and conditions also applies to the processing of data about you by Google.

If you are interested in how Google uses the data it receives from us, you can find out this information by clicking on the following link:

Copyright protection

The content of the web pages located on the web interface (text, photographs, images, logos, etc.), including the web interface software and these terms and conditions, is protected by our copyright and may be protected by other rights of others. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, distribute or use the content for any purpose without our permission or the permission of the copyright holder. In particular, the free or paid access to photographs and texts placed on the web interface is prohibited.

The names and designations of products, goods, services, companies and companies may be registered trademarks of their respective owners.

How will we deal with copyright infringement?

In the event of non-compliance with the prohibition described above, we will proceed in accordance with Act No. 121/2000 Coll., Copyright Act, as amended.

In particular, we, as the copyright holder, have the right to demand that infringements of our copyrights be refrained from and to demand the withdrawal of unauthorized copies of protected content.

Furthermore, we have the right to claim reasonable compensation for the damage caused.

Other relationships related to the use of the web interface

  • Please note that clicking on certain links on the web interface may cause you to leave the web interface and be redirected to third party websites.
  • We are not liable for any errors resulting from third party intervention in the web interface or from its use contrary to its intended use. When using the web interface, you must not use mechanisms, software, scripts or other procedures that could adversely affect its operation, i.e. in particular interfere with the function of the system or place an unreasonable load on the system, and you must not carry out any activity that could enable you or third parties to interfere with or make unauthorised use of the software or other components that make up the web interface or use the web interface or parts of it or the software in a way that is contrary to its purpose or intent.
  • We cannot guarantee uninterrupted access to the Web Interface or the integrity and security of the Web Interface. We shall not be liable for any damage caused by access to and use of the web interface, including any damage caused by downloading data posted on the web interface, damage caused by interruption of service, malfunction of the web interface, computer viruses, damage due to loss of data, profit or unauthorized access to transmissions and data.
  • If you engage in any illegal or unethical conduct while using the web interface, we may restrict, suspend or terminate your access to the web interface without any compensation. In this case, you shall furthermore be obliged to reimburse us in full for any damages proven to have been caused by your conduct pursuant to this paragraph.

These terms of use are valid and effective as of May 1, 2018.

Jak proběhl 56. IMSraz s Petrem a Martinem o GDPR online i offline

Jak proběhl 56. IMSraz s Petrem a Martinem o GDPR online i offline


Jakub Herrmann Senior PPC specialist, agency founder

1 min čtení
Processing of personal data

Processing of personal data

Jakub Herrmann Senior PPC specialist, agency founder

1 min čtení