About us

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go with someone."

We're doing exactly what we enjoy and understand. Together with our entire team, we want to give you the best service in online advertising that we can. It's worthwhile for us to join forces to share quality, share experience, increase efficiency and ensure you, our clients, get the best results and digital marketing performance.


To continually develop and push the boundaries of what is possible in digital marketing. To strategically develop the marketing activities of companies. To be a sought-after partner and expert in the online world.


We are a digital agency that specializes in setting a comprehensive strategy for success in the online world, and our goal is for our clients to increase their share of the e-commerce market while working together. Along the way we are their partner, collaborator and ultimately a reliable supplier. We fulfill our commitments responsibly and approach our work with a business focus.

We treat our clients fairly, honestly and humanely. We maintain a friendly company environment that motivates and inspires people. At the same time, our mission is to educate not only e-shops about the digital world and new developments in the industry.

Check out our photo medallions.

Lukáš Král

Lukáš Král (Senior PPC specialist, agency founder)

I'm one of the co-founders of the agency, I've been in the online marketing industry since 2010 and have specialized in paid PPC advertising since the beginning, which I consider to be a royal discipline. I gained my experience in leading Czech online agencies. My goal is to take care of the client's online-marketing so that he can focus on his business and customers. I have run campaigns for dozens of the biggest clients in the Czech Republic, for example (T-Mobile.cz, KASA.cz, CeskaSporitelna.cz, Mountfiled.cz and others).

Jakub Herrmann

Jakub Herrmann (Senior PPC specialist, agency founder)

I have been working in PPC advertising since 2012. First I worked in an agency and around 2014 I decided to go "freelance". I primarily focus on performance campaigns on Google, Seznam.cz and also Facebook. We can meet at conferences, which I actively participate in. I also give presentations, e.g. at Barcamp, Czech online expo and others. I was interviewed thoroughly by Mladypodnikatel.cz.

Aleš Havránek

Aleš Havránek (Senior PPC specialist)

I've been doing PPC advertising since 2015, when I finished my studies at the University of Ostrava - Applied Informatics. I gained experience in the online environment at the Religis agency and then as a freelancer. I gained further experience by co-founding the e-shop Dreamly.cz. Since my beginnings, hundreds of clients and thousands of campaigns with million-dollar budgets have passed under my fingers. Since 2017, I joined forces with PLACEMENT agency. Currently, under the PLACEMENT brand, I help customers find what they are looking for online.

At Placement I am responsible for: set-up and optimization of advanced PPC campaigns with a focus on performance.

Favorite campaign type: search, product.

Nikola Holušová

Nikola Holušová (Specialist in commodity graders and PPC)

I've been doing online marketing since 2014. I started in an agency where I was primarily responsible for product comparisons and copywriting. I use Mergado and Biddingmanager for management and am also a certified partner of both tools. I have been working at PLACEMENT.cz since March 2019 and I have added PPC campaign management to my knowledge.

In Placement I am responsible for: optimizing advertising on comparison sites, setting-up and optimizing PPC campaigns.

Favorite campaign type: search.

Lukáš Knoflíček

Lukáš Knoflíček (Senior PPC specialist)

I've been doing PPC advertising since 2017 and I'm always looking for new challenges, information and gaining experience. My favourite thing to do is to run performance campaigns and clients that I can push further and help them grow. PPC advertising is fascinating to me because it is constantly changing and there is always room for improvement.

At Placement, I'm in charge of: setting up and optimizing campaigns, working with budgets.

Favorite campaign type: product, search, video.

Eliška Knoflíčková

Eliška Knoflíčková (Marketing manager)

I got into marketing in college when I was attracted to the diversity of the field. During my studies, I had the opportunity to participate in marketing events at the University of Mines as part of the Career Centre team. It was in Placement that I got more insight into the online environment. I threw myself into PPC campaigns, but we soon discovered that I felt more like a fish in water when it came to organising, planning, coordinating and setting strategy. Therefore, my range of activities expanded.

At Placement I am in charge of: strategy, marketing and emailing.

My favourite type of campaign: product campaigns.

Lukáš Nemček

Lukáš Nemček (Meta Ads specialist)

I got into marketing in high school and then in college, where I studied this field. I started with PPC advertising in 2019. I was mainly interested in it because of the work with data and its analysis and automation of processes. I started as a self-taught. I was taking care of Facebook advertising in one traffic. I understood that this was the path I wanted to take. Subsequent career steps led me to Placement, where I expanded my horizons to other systems like Google Ads and Sklik. I enjoy seeing our clients grow in performance and fulfill their potential through PPC.

At Placement I am responsible for: set-up and optimization of SK campaigns and Meta Ads campaigns.

Favorite campaign type: content.

Jan Vavrečka

Jan Vavrečka (PPC specialist)

I knew from high school that I was very close to marketing because it fascinated me for its diversity. Therefore, studying at university, specifically in the field of marketing communication, was a clear decision. My first practical experience with digital marketing began in 2022, when I first peeked under the hood of PPC advertising. At the moment, at PLACEMENT.cz, I am mostly concerned with the constant monitoring of trends and the search for new possibilities, how to most effectively move clients towards their marketing goals and thus help them to further growth.

At Placement I am responsible for: set-up and optimization of PPC campaigns.

Favorite campaign type: search, content.

Natálie Halfarová

Natálie Halfarová (Marketing specialist)

I became more interested in marketing at university, where I chose Marketing Communication. My first experience is in organizing cultural events, and in Placement I got a great opportunity to look into other marketing corners and gain valuable experience and knowledge. PPC ads are numbers and graphs with the necessary dash of creativity, and that's exactly what I've always been looking for.

At Placement I am responsible for:  PPC kampaně a interní aktivity

Lukáš Sendžo

Lukáš Sendžo (PPC specialist)

I got into marketing marginally for the first time in high school and then in college. Then I worked in retail for seven years. It had been a long time and I felt that I needed to make a change, to go in a different direction. I am glad that I learned about Placement and PPC advertising, which really impressed me for its possibilities and dynamism. Here, too, I can partly use my knowledge of retail and thus help companies in their growth with my work.

At Placement I am responsible for: set-up and optimization of PPC campaigns.

Favorite campaign type: content.

Kryštof Hrubý

Kryštof Hrubý (PPC specialist)

After graduating from secondary technical school of informatics, I further expanded my knowledge at university, specifically in the field of Czech language and civic education with a focus on education. After completing my studies, I worked for three years as a trader focused on data processing. The combination of my knowledge led me to marketing, which I became passionate about and joined the PLACEMENT team in 2023.

At Placement I am responsible for: set-up and optimization of PPC campaigns.

Favorite campaign type: PMAX.

Markéta Křížová

Markéta Křížová (Meta Ads specialista)

Od chvíle, kdy jsem objevila potenciál sociálních sítí, jsem se naplno ponořila do světa digitální reklamy. Vystudovala jsem obor marketing a obchod na vysoké škole a už během studia jsem začala s marketingem pomáhat nadějnému startupu, který dnes slaví velké úspěchy. Moje ambice však sahaly dál - chtěla jsem pomáhat více firmám, ne jenom jedné. A tak jsem tady, v Placementu, kde pomáhám klientům s marketingem na sociálních sítích a s efektivní facebookovou reklamou.


V Placementu mám na starosti: reklamu v rámci Meta Ads, sociální sítě

Barbora Kusiaková

Barbora Kusiaková (Back office assistant)

Po mateřské dovolené jsem se už nechtěla vracet na původní místo ve státní sféře. Chtěla jsem najít příjemný kolektiv a práci, kde se dá spojit rutinní práce, plánování a koordinace spolu s výchovou mé dcery. V Placementu kompletně zajišťuji administrativu - fakturace, účetní doklady, zajišťování pracovních pomůcek a občerstvení a cokoliv dalšího, co si představíte, že firma potřebuje zajistit.